Disability lawyer will be able to better guide you throughout the entire process as well as help you understand the legitimacy of your claim. As the number of disabled people within the country reaches an all-time high, it should come as no surprise that the Social Security Services are under an extreme amount of stress. As a result, disability lawyers have become extremely important in case one wants to apply for disability benefits. But with that being said, let us take a look at everything about a disability attorney.
Disability Lawyer
The most common reason for which people hire disability lawyers is to help them through with their disability claims. If the various studies are to be believed, then having a disability attorney will increase the chances of your disability application being accepted by around 3 times.
Apart from that, there are a whole host of other advantages as well. For starters, a disability attorney will know about the entire appeals and application process. So, they will know when and where to file what appeal. This will reduce the time spent on the entire application process as a whole. Apart from that, a disability attorney can help you avoid the appeals process as a whole.
Why do you need a disability attorney?
This is because they know what does and doesn’t work. So, with the help of a disability attorney, you can preempt the entire process by having the proper documentation, etc. Plus, in case you have applied beforehand and lost your case, you can still hire a disability attorney to help you with the whole appeals process.
Moreover, having a disability attorney with you during your hearings will be a major advantage for you. This is because the Social Security Act and all the factors surrounding it are quite complex. So, not everyone can be expected to be well versed in it. So, having a disability attorney during a hearing can prove to be quite beneficial indeed.
So with all of this being said, we believe we have explained the advantages of having a disability lawyer quite succinctly to you. But that brings up another question, how am I supposed to find a disability lawyer near me? Well, let us find out.
How do I find a disability lawyer near me?
If you are someone who is suffering from a debilitating condition and looking to apply for benefits, then this section is for you. A lot of the time, you will end up wondering, “how do I find a disability lawyer near me?” Well, there are a lot of ways you can do it. So without wasting any more time, let us get right on into it.
Before you get to finding a disability lawyer, there are a few things that you will have to consider before making a decision.
How much can you afford?
Lawyers can often be expensive. So make it a point to budget properly before you go out and hire one. Keep in mind that costs can skyrocket at any given time. This means that you will have to budget properly throughout. Otherwise, you can find yourself in destitution in little to no time at all.
How “near” is “near” in the disability lawyer near me?
A lot of the time when people search for a disability lawyer near me, they are looking for more than simple geographical positioning. This is because a lot of the time, people are looking for someone who can help them out, outside of the courtroom as well.
Social security lawyers near me – What exactly do you need?
Disability lawyers come in all shapes and sizes. But more importantly, they come in different specializations as well. So, if you are searching for “disability lawyer near me”, “Social security lawyers near me” or “Social security attorney near me” then make it a point to specify the exact need as well.
A disability lawyer with experience in appeals will hold you in better stead than one with no or limited experience.
How long do you need the lawyer for?
Often when people lookup for a “disability lawyer near me”, they simply consider the geographical distance and the fee of the lawyer. What they fail to take into account is how the timeframe for which they will require the disability lawyer’s services.
In case you need the services for a long duration of time, then make it a point to go for the cheapest option out there if your finances are stretched.
What are your chances?
This is the hardest aspect of the whole thing if we are being honest. A lot of the time when people are applying for social benefits, they are doing so out of desperation. However, Social Services cannot just handout benefits to everyone. And so, people inevitably hop online and search for a “disability lawyer near me”.
However, having a disability lawyer doesn’t mean that your application will magically get accepted. You have to be realistic about your chances. In case you have a small chance based on precedence, then you should save your money rather than wasting it on a slim chance. Plus, more often than not, a disability lawyer will simply not take up your case.
So, be honest with yourself before you go out and hire a lawyer.
So, with all of this being said, we believe that we have given you a fair idea about all the things that you should consider when you go searching for a disability lawyer near me. The most important aspect of all of this is that you need to be honest with yourself. Be it about the money or the timeframe or your application as a whole. If you are not honest with yourself, then you are undertaking is futile.
So now that we have touched upon the things that you need to consider before you go hiring a disability lawyer, let us get into why need one. Or rather what does a disability lawyer do?
What does a disability lawyer do?
Often when people searching, for a “disability attorney near me”, they do so because someone suggested them to do so. However, they don’t often know what does a disability lawyer do? Well, in case you are looking to hire one, then let us walk you through what all a disability lawyer will do for you.
- Compile an initial review of your case
An attorney will help you compile a complete review of your case irrespective of where it is in the application process. Plus, based on what comes up from the whole process, the lawyer will help you come up with a compelling reason for your application and help you win your case as a whole.
- Make sure that the application is complete
A lot of the time, applications are rejected right at the start simply because the application is not complete as a whole. So, if you are looking to avoid rejection because of an incomplete application, then a disability lawyer is your best bet. A social security lawyer will ensure that that doesn’t happen to begin with.
- Collect and sort medical evidence for you
Another reason why a lot of applications get rejected is because of a lack of evidence, to begin with. And even when they do reach the hearing stage, they still get rejected because of the same reason. So, if you need any help in sorting out your medical history for you, then a social security lawyer is your best bet.
Plus, a social security lawyer will do a lot more than just compile your medical history. They will often go through and scrutinize every inch of your medical history and present the best possible case for you, making sure that you win your appeal.
- Communicate with the Social Security Administration
There are at the very least 100s of claims within the system on any given day. Plus, the whole application process, despite the best efforts of the officials, is not something straightforward or easy to get the hang of. It is full of innumerable formalities and deadlines that need to be met. So, it can be quite a daunting task that no average Joe will be able to do on his own.
This is where a social security lawyer comes in. Not only will they remain in contact with the SSA throughout the application process, but they will also act as an intermediatory between you and the SSA. Plus, they will even handle communications on your behalf!
- File all appeals in case they are necessary
A lot of the time, as touched upon previously, applications simply get rejected. This can be because of a whole variety of different reasons. However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t still get yourself the benefits you were looking for. What you will now need to do is file a whole host of appeals.
However, just like the initial application process, the appeals system is also quite complicated. So, the best thing that you can do here is to get yourself a social security lawyer. Not only will he or she file the appeal for you, but will also help you out throughout the entire process. Plus, if the statistics are to believed, then you should get yourself one from the get-go.
This is so because more than half of the applications get rejected at the initial stage itself. So if you are looking to avoid the rejection as a whole, to begin with, or have a head start for the appeal process, then a social security lawyer is your best bet.
- Be your representative at all the hearings
As touched upon before, most of the disability applications get rejected from the get-go. So, if you still wish to seek disability benefits, then you will need to file an appeal. However, the appeal process is quite tricky and often culminates in a courtroom hearing. These hearings usually take place in front of an administrative judge.
Social security disability attorney
So, it is safe to say that these hearings can get quite stressful, quite quickly. So, the best course of action is to come prepared an who can be better prepared than a social security lawyer, who does this for a living? Plus, a social security lawyer will also ensure that you are adequately prepared while handling the hearing for you.
This will include asking your witnesses questions, examining expert witnesses as well as handling any curveballs that might end up being thrown at you during the hearing. So, all in all, having a social security lawyer in your corner during a hearing is one of the best things that you can do for yourself.
So, with all of this being said, we believe that now you should be able to answer “what does a disability lawyer do?”. And not just answer, you should be able to paint quite the comprehensive picture of it while you are at it. But in case you still have any lingering doubts about anything relating to disability lawyers, then don’t worry. Just keep on reading, there is still quite a lot left to come.
So, now that we have discussed the tasks being performed by a disability lawyer, let us take a look at the types of disability lawyers now. Keep in mind, that there are quite a lot based on minute differences. So, for the sake of convenience, we will only be considering some of the easy to distinguish ones. So without further ado, let us get cracking with that.
Types of disability attorney near me
There are no different types of disability lawyers per se. The differences arise based on the areas of expertise of the social security attorney themselves. So based on the area of expertise, there are often a few broad categories. Now, without wasting any more time, let us walk you through all of them.
- Children’s cases
- Social disability lawyers
- Lawyers for army veterans
- Disability discrimination lawyers
- Appeals lawyers
- Specialty lawyer
Keep in mind that there are quite a lot of other types of disability lawyers out there. This list is for illustrative purposes only and is in no way or shape exhaustive in nature. With that being said, let us get into the nitty-gritty of the types of disability lawyers listed above.
Social security attorney – Child specialist
These social security attorneys, as the name suggests specialize in cases concerning children. A lot of the time, children are born with congenital or other defects which means that they can’t function within society as a whole like other, regular children. These children need all the help that they can get.
But more than that, they need the assistance of the government. This is where social security attorneys who specialize in children’s cases come in. These people are well versed in both the law as well as the psychological impact these issues have on children. Apart from that, they often know a thing or two about child protective services as well.
So, if you have a child who needs government assistance to have a fulfilling life, then you shouldn’t hesitate in hiring yourself a social security attorney who specializes in child law. You never know the impact it might have on your child’s life.
Social disability lawyers
As time has gone on, the definition of disabilities has expanded by quite a lot. As a result, the government programs regarding them have expanded over the years. Over the years, there are a lot of social disabilities have been included in the list as well. These include but are not limited to –
- Unable to perform substantial work
- Unable to have gainful employment
- Problems functioning in the larger society
- Unable to engage in basic communication
So, with all of this in mind, it is fair to say that social disabilities are quite debilitating in their own right. However, that doesn’t mean that in case you are inflicted with one, then you will be left to fend for yourself. To avail of the government’s protection and lead a better life, you too can apply for social benefits through the SSA.
So, go and find yourself a social security attorney who specializes in social disability cases. This will give you a greater chance at not only succeeding with your application but it can open a whole other set of doors for you as well.
Top social security disability lawyers – Lawyers for army veterans
The way society as a whole is evolving these days, army veterans are often left to fend for themselves. As per reports, there are more than 40,000 homeless army vets there today. And that is without even taking into account the army vets that come back with serious injuries or conditions that have a lasting impact on their lives.
So, it is fair to say that people who have served in the army are often getting the short end of the stick. But with that being said, it doesn’t mean that there is nothing that we can do for them. Often, the vets don’t know how to function within civilian society. This can be because of several different factors such as alienation amongst other things.
So, more often than not, they simply do not get the attention or help they need. With that being said, a lot of other people can often step in and help them get the assistance they need. You can do your bit in helping them out by getting them in touch with a social security attorney who will take care of their needs.
A simple action taken by someone concerned can go a long way in helping our veterans avoid homelessness and destitution. So if you believe that your actions can make a difference in someone else’s life, then you should always try and take an action that will result in a meaningful change.
Disability discrimination lawyer
Disability discrimination lawyers are lawyers who specialize in cases relating to discrimination at workplaces, etc. However, before we go and try to explain what it is that these Disability discrimination lawyer do, let us first try and understand all the different kinds of discrimination that people face in their day to day lives.
- Direct discrimination
- Indirect discrimination
- Refusal or failure to make reasonable or suitable adjustments
- Discrimination based on disability
- Harassment
- Victimization
However, a lot of the time, these terms are used interchangeably, which can often cause dilution of the seriousness of the offense. So, to better understand these terms, let us take a quick look at what all of these terms mean.
- Direct discrimination
Direct discrimination arises when people refuse to treat people equally because of their disabilities. This can take shape in several ways. Most commonly, this happens when people refuse to hire people despite them meeting all the necessary criteria simply because of their disabilities.
- Indirect discrimination
In many ways, indirect discrimination is more asinine than direct discrimination. This means that a lot of times, organizations, or employers adopt policies that make it harder for disabled people to gain meaningful employment. This can come in many shapes or forms and is mostly illegal. However, there are a few exceptions to this as well.
The most notable exception is the provision to make an “objective justification.” This means that if the organization or the employer can provide a reasonable justification, then they can legally “discriminate” against disabled people. This is often called objective discrimination or positive discrimination and can arise out of necessity.
For example, if an organization is looking to hire someone for the role of a driver, then they need someone with a valid driver’s license. Now, someone with epilepsy or blindness, or any other such debilitating condition can’t get a license legally. So, they are naturally ineligible for such a role.
Plus, based on the policies in place, hiring someone with such a disability is liable for a lot of other problems that are best avoided.
- Refusal or failure to make reasonable or suitable adjustments
Under the Equality Act, employers and organizations are mandated to provide equal access to jobs, education, etc. to people with disabilities. This access can be of any type depending on the needs of the person in question. With that being said, let us take into consideration the following example.
In case there is someone with mobility impairment, then they will need access to a parking spot close to the main building, elevators, escalators, etc. However, in case the employers or the organization in question is refusing to allow that person to have access to these facilities, which in turn will hamper their ability to work, then they are not making reasonable adjustments for them.
This can and will be seen as disability discrimination and often results in court cases, etc. So, if you are someone with a disability and are being denied an equal opportunity, then you can seek legal recourse under the Equality Act.
- Discrimination based on disability
Discrimination based on disability can be of many types. Oftentimes, it takes the shape of an employer not rewarding or firing an employee based on their disabilities. This is almost always illegal. However, there are a few exceptions to this rule as well. But before we get down to the exceptions, let us first take a look at what it entails, to begin with.
One of the most commonly cited examples includes an employer holding back a bonus or letting go of an employee because of them contacting a debilitating condition that needs them to take some time off for treatment, etc. Another example would be denying people access to certain places based on existing policies.
However, not all discrimination is illegal. Once again, objective justification exists and if the employer can justify their decision within the ambit of objective justification, then they are legally allowed to discriminate. A fairly common example of this will be an employer letting go of an employee because of their disability.
However, before they can do so, they will need to prove that the employee in question was unable to perform the same tasks, to the same degree as his or her colleagues were. So, if the employer can prove that redeployment was not at all effective and letting go was the only option and proportionate, then there won’t be any scope for legal action.
- Harassment
Harassment often means that someone is made to feel humiliated or degraded because of their condition. This can take the form of swearing, cursing, or just simple misbehavior. Whatever it may be though, it is simply inexcusable and is often liable for a lawsuit or two should you decide to go down that road with a disability lawyer.
However, do keep in mind that this is not the case if the employer can prove that they took all possible steps to prevent workspace discrimination. If they can do so, then the victim can’t legally sue the employer or organization for harassment. However, they can still sue the individual for harassment.
- Victimization
Victimization occurs not because of the employer’s or the organization’s inherent biases or anything. Instead, it comes from a completely different place, usually from a place of pride or something like that. With that being said, people usually engage in this when people file a complaint under the Equality Act.
So, if you file any such complaint and the employer refuses to let you work or grant you a promotion unless you withdraw the complaint, then you are being victimized for taking a stand. So, under the current legal protections, you should get in touch with a disability discrimination lawyer and file a lawsuit. This is illegal and discriminatory.
So with all of this now being said, we believe that we have painted quite a picture about what all entail discriminatory behavior. However, do keep in mind that this list was for illustrative purposes only and was in no way or shape, exhaustive. So, in case you feel like you’re are being discriminated against, then you should immediately talk about it with someone.
Oftentimes, a disability discrimination lawyer is your best bet. These people specialize in cases involving workplace discrimination. So, if anyone should know what they are supposed to be doing, then it is them.
With that being said, before you approach a disability discrimination lawyer, you should do a self-evaluation first. In case your case falls under the ambit of the objective justification, then there is nothing that a disability discrimination attorney can do for you. So, as we suggested before you consider legal action, try and be honest with yourself first.
Top social security disability attorneys – Appeals lawyers
Appeals lawyers, as the name suggests are lawyers who specialize in the appeals part of the application process. This makes a ton of sense if you sit and think about it given that a lot of the time, the applications get rejected for several varying reasons. This means that the only course of action that an applicant has is to go and file an appeal.
Plus, as touched upon earlier, the appeals process is quite complicated as it is chock full of formalities and deadlines. So, it is for the best that you approach a disability lawyer who specializes in this area for optimal results.
Specialty lawyers
Specialty lawyers usually specialize in cases about certain conditions. These can be of any type such as blindness, deafness, or something very niche. These disability lawyers are usually known for an exceptional success rate for these certain types of cases.
So, if you are looking to get your application accepted by the SSA at the first try itself or want to make sure that you clear your appeal, then these specialty lawyers are the way to go. Also, in case you have a condition that is debilitating but has a poor acceptance rate, then you too can approach such disability lawyers and have your case made through them.
So, with this, we have come to an end to the types of disability lawyers out there. Please do remember, that this list was for illustrative purposes only. There are a lot more variations of disability lawyers out there. With that being said, in case you are an army vet, living in Virginia, then we have a little something extra for you.
VA-certified veterans disability lawyer near me
Virginia has one of the biggest army veteran populations out there in the country currently. So, it stands to reason that it will have the biggest or at least a large portion of disabled army vets within its state borders. Plus, given how hard it is usually for army vets to gel in with the civilian population, they are often left to their own devices.
So, if you are one such army veteran, currently struggling with life amongst civilians and often find yourself searching online for “VA certified veterans disability lawyer near me”, then we have just the thing for you.
While we can’t quite be expected to find the best disability lawyer out there for you, we can help you in finding the best disability lawyer based on your needs. However, before we get to that, as a veteran there is something that you will have to do. That thing is being honest about needing help and assistance.
Once you have done that, it will be a very straight forward journey for you. So, go right ahead and search for a “VA certified veterans disability lawyer near me”. Now that you have done that, there are a few things that you will need to consider before you hire someone. These things include but are not limited to –
- How much does a disability lawyer cost charge or how much can a VA disability lawyer charge?
- What is your disability?
- What is your post armed forces history?
- Who do you plan on hiring the disability lawyer through?
- How soon do you need a disability lawyer?
So now that we have enlisted the things you will have to consider while searching for a “VA certified veterans disability lawyer near me”, let us now get to explaining about them a little more. So let us begin with the first one in question.
How much does a disability lawyer cost?
As per the laws of Virginia, a social security disability attorney can charge up to 33% of the promised benefits. However, there are quite a few catches to this law. For starters, the social security disability attorney can only charge you a fee in case he or she wins the appeal. This means that vets won’t be losing any money for a failed application.
This ensures that vets, who are already without a source of income will not have to pay any undue amounts to disability lawyers on top of the application fees, etc. being paid by them. Apart from that, make it a point to not pay more than the stipulated amount. As per consensus, disability lawyers often charge an additional 0.5% as filing fees, etc.
While this is all perfectly legal, keep in mind that the average lawyer charges anywhere between 10 to 20% of whatever benefits are awarded to the veteran in question.
What is your disability?
Veterans suffer a wide variety of disabilities. However, not all of them are eligible for state benefits. So before you go and waste time and money in filing an appeal or hiring a disability lawyer, the best thing that you can do for yourself is to see what are your chances. The following three disabilities are the most common and easy to get cleared –
- Tinnitus or “ringing in ear syndrome”
- Musculoskeletal conditions
- Mental health conditions
But what exactly are these conditions? Well, let us expand upon that as well to paint a better picture for you.
- Tinnitus or “ringing in ear syndrome”
This is one of the most common afflictions ailing the veteran community out there today. Tinnitus is not a condition on its own but is instead a condition arising out of age-related hearing loss, ear injury, or some circulatory system disorder.
Also, as per the data available close to 160,000 veterans who applied for benefits because of this condition got their application accepted. This number comes to an astonishing 94% of all cases. This can be attributed to both the nature of the condition as well as the “low-value claim” nature of it.
The “low-value claim” aspect of things arises from the rating this condition gets. It goes up to a maximum of 10%. It is either rated at either 0% or 10%. Amongst veterans, the most common type of Tinnitus is “subjective Tinnitus”. Here, only the veterans can hear the ringing noise.
However, apart from being listed as the main disability, it can also be listed as a secondary disability. Here, several other conditions can make the Tinnitus a whole lot worse. These conditions can be anything like PTSD, TBI, Meniere’s disease, etc.
- Musculoskeletal Conditions
Musculoskeletal conditions also qualify as low-level claims for most parts. This is because most of the veterans who claim benefits under this condition are rated between 0 to 20%. So, it should come as little to no surprise that more than 92% of the veterans who apply for benefits because of this condition get their application accepted.
Anyhow, musculoskeletal conditions include but are not limited to
- Limited range of motion
- Pain during motion
- Trouble lying down or resting
So, based on these conditions, the most common symptoms are –
- Flexion
- Painful motions
- Arthritis
- Weakness
- Easily fatigued
- Loss of hand-eye coordination
- Loss of power
- Decreased movement control
Apart from these conditions, Musculoskeletal conditions can be made a whole lot worse because of other conditions such as –
- Medication side effects
- Injuries to the body
So with all of this being said, we hope now you know all there is to know about musculoskeletal conditions. Do keep in mind however that this list is not exhaustive.
- Mental health conditions
Mental health conditions round up the top three reasons why army veterans are often award benefits by the state in Virginia. Mental health conditions can be of several different types. If we go by the statistics available to us, then we will get somewhere around 91% of all vets being rated at 30% or higher for mental health conditions.
Apart from that, close to 42% of all vets claiming benefits come under the 70% or higher rating for mental health conditions. So, it is quite easy to see that mental health issues are one of the biggest factors because of which army veterans are often claiming state assistance. But what are these mental health issues?
Well, several different mental health issues exist out there. However, the most common amongst them all is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD. PTSD usually happens when someone is exposed to an extremely violent or terrifying event. This event can be of any type and is not specific to any one incident.
For people who were active combatants, PTSD can be induced because of a variety of different reasons such as –
- Exposure to death and serious injury
- Threats of violence or death
- Threats of sexual violence
- Encountering sexual abuse or violence
For non-combatants, PTSD can be induced because of –
- Service Member Suicides
- Training Accidents
- Serious vehicular accidents
- Witnessing or being a victim of sexual violence
- Threats of violence and death
So, it is safe to say that if someone is pushed hard enough, it is fairly common for them to encounter PTSD. However, what are the symptoms of PTSD that make it such a debilitating condition? Well, there are several reasons why these symptoms are so harsh. However, the best way to explain their gravity is to simply enlist them –
- Tinnitus
- Insomnia
- Sleep apnea
- Chronic pain
- Flashbacks
- Anger issues
- Suicidal tendencies
So with that, we believe we have given you a fair overview of everything about PTSD. However, PTSD isn’t the only thing afflicting our veterans. There several other such conditions out there that are just as debilitating if not more. Here are a few of them –
- Depression
- Major depressive disorder
- Somatic symptom disorder
- Generalized anxiety disorder
Keep in mind that this list is for illustrative purposes only. There are a lot of other issues out there that are simply beyond the scope of this blog. So do not treat this list as something exhaustive in nature.
But with that being said, mental health conditions are often enlisted as high-value claims. This is so because they have quite the high chance of being listed at 30% or higher, based on the severity of the condition. So, if you are looking to apply for benefits in the state of Virginia, then you can always take the help of a disability lawyer and get what you need.
So, with all of this being said, let us now move to the next part of the list.
How much can a va disability lawyer charge? What is your post armed forces history?
A lot of the time, veterans tend to fall to the wayside once they leave the armed forces. This often culminates in illegal activities such as drug use, theft, etc. While an empathetic person will understand and try to address the root cause behind such cases, such empathy is usually not something that the state is known for extending to its needy.
So, this means that if you have such a chequered past, then you might not be able to avail of benefits from the state as easily as any other law-abiding citizen might be. If we go by the precedent set before us, then the state can reduce benefits by up to 20% in case the citizen has been arrested for a period of up to a month.
However, if the prison stay lasts more than a month, then the state might take away all the benefits bestowed upon the individual. And based on the timing of the incident, it might come across as a double whammy even.
If you scroll up just a few paragraphs, then you will see us answering the question, how much can a VA disability lawyer charge? Well, if the timing of the arrest is wrong, then not only will you not be able to get the benefits but you will also be liable to pay your social security attorney.
But it still doesn’t end there. Not only can you lose benefits if you indulge in illegal activities, but you can also be denied benefits because of the same reasons. Virginia has thousands of people living on state benefits. So, it will be looking to reduce the numbers in any way it can to reduce the tax burden on its citizens.
This means that if you have a chequered past, then irrespective of how qualified or experienced your social security attorney is, the state can simply refuse you. All it has to do is list out your misdemeanors and that will be that. So, before you go and apply for benefits, make it a point to keep your background as clean as possible.
Who do you plan on hiring the social security lawyer through?
Disability lawyers can be easy or tough to find based on how you plan on doing it. A lot of the times, people simply go online and search for generic terms like –
- Disability attorney near me
- Social security disability attorney
- Disability discrimination attorney
- Social security attorney
- SSI lawyers near me
- SSI attorney near me
- VA disability lawyers
- VA disability attorney
- SSI disability lawyers
- SSI disability attorney
- Top social security disability attorneys
- Top social security disability lawyers
- Social security disability attorney & advocacy services
- Social security lawyers near me
- Social security attorney near me
While doing your research is always commendable, it doesn’t always serve a purpose, especially if you don’t know what you are looking for. So, it is fair to say that the best way to hire a disability lawyer is to first gather as much information as you can.
Disability discrimination attorney
This will not only help you in understanding what you need from your disability lawyer, but it will also help you in getting a lay of the land. Plus a disability discrimination attorney might be able to dupe you of your hard earned money. So the best course of action for you to take here would be to contact a disability discrimination attorney through the state.
A lot of the time, the state will appoint a disability discrimination attorney themselves. But in case you want to pick and choose, then you can do that at any legal service clinic as well. Or, in case you are unable to physically go there, then you can find one on VA Veterans Justice Outreach Specialist.
But this can once again bring up a previous question, “how much can a VA disability lawyer charge?”. Well, the answer is still pretty much the same. A disability discrimination attorney cannot charge more than 33% of the benefits won by the applicant.
Plus, even then, they can only do so if they are a part of the appeals process. To put it simply, a disability discrimination attorney can only charge you if he or she is a part of the appeals process and wins you the appeal. In case they are not, they will be reimbursed by the state itself.
Keep in mind that there are exceptions to this rule as well. In case the state finds that the applicant had withheld any information or was in the process of committing fraud, then the courts can rule against this precedent. This would mean that the disability discrimination attorney will have to be paid for in full by the applicant themselves apart from other penalties.
So once again, try not to engage in any illegal activities otherwise, you will be in more trouble than you bargained for. But with that being said, let us now take a look at a different facet of this question. How long does it take to get disability with a lawyer? Well, let us find out.
When do you need a va disability lawyers?
We have already touched upon the chances of application approval based on having or not having a disability lawyer with you. But in case you missed it, then having a social security disability attorney with you will increase your chances of approval threefold.
In other words, only 30% of applicants who apply for social security get their applications approved without the aid of a social security disability attorney. On the other hand, close to 70% of those who apply for social security with a social security disability attorney get their applications approved.
So, it is quite easy to understand that having a social security disability attorney present during the application or appeal process is quite beneficial for you. However how long can one be expected to wait on their quest to be appointed a social security disability attorney?
Well, there are a lot of factors that the state will have to consider before appointing you a disability lawyer. This is so because the state only has a limited pool of SSI disability lawyers at its disposal. So, it has to use this resource quite judiciously.
With that being said, the state will also have to consider the severity and the complexity of your case before it can appoint an SSI disability lawyer on your behalf. So, in other words, if your case is quite severe and you need immediate relief, then the state will appoint an SSI disability lawyer for you almost immediately.
Va disability attorney
You can find a VA disability attorney for yourself by simply looking up disability attorney near me on Google or whichever search engine you use. Just make sure that whichever VA disability attorney you do ultimately end up settling on is qualified and has the necessary licenses to practice. Otherwise, it might just end up being a colossal wastage of time and money.
With that being said, the time frame for the state to appoint an SSI disability attorney can vary by quite a lot. If everything falls into place and your case is severe enough that it warrants an immediate look into it, then you can be appointed a VA disability lawyers almost immediately. In case your case is not as urgent, but still urgent enough, it can take up to a month.
In case you believe that your case is important enough and that you can’t wait for the state to appoint VA disability lawyers to you, then the best course of action for you will be to find a VA disability attorney on your own.
However, if the state decides that your case is not that urgent and falls under the ambit of a low-value claim, then it can anywhere between a year to three years to appoint you the VA disability lawyers you need.
SSI disability attorney
However, if your case is one of a great deal of complexity, then the state will have to do quite a bit of deliberation before it can appoint an SSI disability attorney for your needs. This is so because the state will have to take into account whether or not your case is genuine, to begin with, plus whether or not a suitably qualified SSI disability attorney is available or not.
Not only will the disability lawyer ensure that your initial application is in tip-top condition, but they will also save you some time if your application goes through the appeals process. Plus, a disability lawyer will offer you some invaluable insight throughout the application process in general.
But do remember, if you do not have a solid case, then not even the top social security disability lawyers can do anything for you. Always remember, money might be able to get you the top social security disability lawyer, but it cannot guarantee you winning a case. So make sure that you follow all of the advice we have listed here.
On top of that, if your disability lawyer has any more advice or tips for you, then make sure that you follow them too. Otherwise, it will be a huge waste of time and money. But enough about finding a disability attorney near me. Let us now take a look at the list of disability laws governing the country.
How long does it take to get disability with a lawyer?
However, if the initial application gets rejected and you need to avail a disability lawyer for your case, then you will already be overshooting the one-month timeline. So, based on how quickly you can find a disability lawyer and how fast the courts work, you will be getting your appeal dates.
But how long does it take to get disability with a lawyer? Well, this solely depends on the merits and the severity of your case. If your application is flawless and gets accepted the first time itself, then it can be accepted within a month and you will be able to avail disability benefits in a month or two.
These appeal dates once again depend on the workload of the court and the judge. So, it can take anywhere between a few months to a few years. So, if you do not wish to waste so much time waiting for your application to be accepted, then the best course of action would be to hire a disability lawyer from the get-go.
With this, we have answered the question, “how long does it take to get disability with a lawyer?” quite comprehensively. However, keep in mind there are still several intricacies and nuances at play. If you wish to avoid having your application held up, then do consider hiring a disability lawyer.
So, with that, we believe we have given you a complete guide as to how you can hire the top social security disability attorneys for yourself in case you are an army veteran living in Virginia. You can follow this guide to hire the top social security disability attorneys for yourself even if you are not an army veteran.
List of disability laws – What are the disability laws governing the country?
As of 2020, there are close to 10 laws in existence that directly codify disabilities within the American legal context and make it illegal for people to discriminate against people with disabilities. So, with that being said, let us now take a quick look at the list of disability laws within the United States of America –
- Americans With Disabilities Act
- Telecommunications Act
- Fair Housing Act
- Air Carrier Access Act
- Voting Accessibility for Elderly and Handicapped Act
- National Voter Registration Act
- Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act
- Rehabilitation Act
- Architectural Barriers Act
- Individuals with Disabilities Act
- Equality Act
Keep in mind that this list of disability laws is for representative purposes only. More and more laws are being added in with each passing session and so is the list of disabilities expanding. So, do not treat this list of disability laws as exhaustive. Instead, we would recommend that you go and periodically update yourself on the government’s websites.
With that being said, what do these laws entail? Well, we have already covered the Equality Act in detail before so we won’t be re-treading that ground again. But with that being said, let us take a quick look at all of the other laws we have mentioned above.
- Americans With Disabilities Act
The Americans With Disabilities Act or the ADA prohibits individuals and employers from discriminating against someone based on their disabilities for employment, State and Local government, public accommodations, commercial facilities, transportation, and telecommunications. It also applies to the United States Congress.
So, it is quite easy to see how the ADA forms the backbone of quite a lot of modern-day anti discrimination laws. With that being said, the ADA has 4 prominent subsections to it. These include –
- ADA Title I – Employment
Charges of employment discrimination based on disability may be filed at any U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission field office. Field offices are located in 50 cities throughout the U.S. and are listed in most telephone directories under “U.S. Government.” For the appropriate EEOC field office in your geographic area, contact:
(800) 669-4000 (voice)
(800) 669-6820 (TTY)
(844) 234-5122 (VP)
For information on how to accommodate a specific individual with a disability, contact the Job Accommodation Network at:
(800) 526-7234 (voice)
(877) 781-9403 (TTY)
In case you wish to file a complaint under this, our recommendation would to be get in touch with a disability lawyer first. The disability lawyer will be able to better guide you throughout the entire process as well as help you understand the legitimacy of your claim.
- ADA Title II – State and Local Government Activities
Complaints of title II violations may be filed with the Department of Justice within 180 days of the date of discrimination. In certain situations, cases may be referred to a mediation program sponsored by the Department. The Department may bring a lawsuit where it has investigated a matter and has been unable to resolve violations. For more information, contact:
U.S. Department of Justice
Civil Rights Division
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Disability Rights Section
Washington, D.C. 20530
(800) 514-0301 (voice)
(800) 514-0383 (TTY)
Title II may also be enforced through private lawsuits in Federal court. It is not necessary to file a complaint with the Department of Justice (DOJ) or any other Federal agency or to receive a “right-to-sue” letter, before going to court.
In case you wish to file a complaint under this, our recommendation would to be get in touch with a disability lawyer first. The disability lawyer will be able to better guide you throughout the entire process as well as help you understand the legitimacy of your claim.
- ADA Title II – Public Transportation
Questions and complaints about public transportation should be directed to:
Office of Civil Rights
Federal Transit Administration
U.S. Department of Transportation
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, D.C. 20590
(888) 446-4511 (voice/relay)
In case you wish to file a complaint under this, our recommendation would to be get in touch with a disability lawyer first. The disability lawyer will be able to better guide you throughout the entire process as well as help you understand the legitimacy of your claim.
- ADA Title III – Public Accommodations
It is not necessary to file a complaint with the Department of Justice (or any Federal agency) or to receive a “right-to-sue” letter, before going to court. For more information, contact:
U.S. Department of Justice
Civil Rights Division
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Disability Rights Section
Washington, D.C. 20530
(800) 514-0301 (voice)
(800) 514-0383 (TTY)
In case you wish to file a complaint under this, our recommendation would to be get in touch with a disability lawyer first. The disability lawyer will be able to better guide you throughout the entire process as well as help you understand the legitimacy of your claim.
- ADA Title IV – Telecommunications Relay Services
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has set minimum standards for TRS services. Title IV also requires closed captioning of Federally funded public service announcements. For more information about TRS, contact the FCC at:
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554
(888) 225-5322 (Voice)
(888) 835-5322 (TTY)
In case you wish to file a complaint under this, our recommendation would to be get in touch with a disability lawyer first. The disability lawyer will be able to better guide you throughout the entire process as well as help you understand the legitimacy of your claim.
- Telecommunications Act
Section 255 and Section 251(a)(2) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended by the Telecommunications Act of 1996, require manufacturers of telecommunications equipment and providers of telecommunications services to ensure that such equipment and services are accessible to and usable by persons with disabilities, if readily achievable.
SSI disability lawyers – For more information, contact:
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554
(888) 225-5322 (Voice)
(888) 835-5322 (TTY)
In case you wish to file a complaint under this, our recommendation would to be get in touch with a disability lawyer first. The disability lawyer will be able to better guide you throughout the entire process as well as help you understand the legitimacy of your claim.
3. Fair Housing act
The Fair Housing Act, as amended in 1988, prohibits housing discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status, and national origin. Complaints of Fair Housing Act violations may be filed with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. For more information or to file a complaint, contact:
Office of Compliance and Disability Rights Division
Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, S.W., Room 5242
Washington, D.C. 20410
(800) 669-9777 (voice)
(800) 927-9275 (TTY)
For questions about the accessibility provisions of the Fair Housing Act, contact Fair Housing Accessibility FIRST at:
(888) 341-7781 (voice/TTY)
For publications, you may call the Housing and Urban Development Customer Service Center at:
(800) 767-7468 (voice/relay)
Additionally, the Department of Justice can file cases involving a pattern or practice of discrimination. The Fair Housing Act may also be enforced through private lawsuits.
In case you wish to file a complaint under this, our recommendation would to be get in touch with a disability lawyer first. The disability lawyer will be able to better guide you throughout the entire process as well as help you understand the legitimacy of your claim.
- Air Carrier Access Act
The Air Carrier Access Act prohibits discrimination in air transportation by domestic and foreign air carriers against qualified individuals with physical or mental impairments. For more information or to file a complaint, contact:
Aviation Consumer Protection Division, C-75
U.S. Department of Transportation
1200 New Jersey Avenue, S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20590
(202) 366-2220 (voice)
(202) 366-0511 (TTY)
(800) 778-4838 (voice)
(800) 455-9880 (TTY)
In case you wish to file a complaint under this, our recommendation would to be get in touch with a disability lawyer first. The disability lawyer will be able to better guide you throughout the entire process as well as help you understand the legitimacy of your claim.
- Voting Accessibility for Elderly and Handicapped Act
The Voting Accessibility for the Elderly and Handicapped Act of 1984 generally requires polling places across the United States to be physically accessible to people with disabilities for federal elections. For more information, contact:
U.S. Department of Justice
Civil Rights Division
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Voting Section – Room 7254 NWB
Washington, D.C. 20530
(800) 253-3931 (voice/TTY)
In case you wish to file a complaint under this, our recommendation would to be get in touch with a disability lawyer first. The disability lawyer will be able to better guide you throughout the entire process as well as help you understand the legitimacy of your claim.
- National Voter Registration Act
The National Voter Registration Act of 1993, also known as the “Motor Voter Act,” makes it easier for all Americans to exercise their fundamental right to vote. For more information, contact:
U.S. Department of Justice
Civil Rights Division
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Voting Section – Room 7254-NWB
Washington, D.C. 20530
(800) 253-3931 (voice/TTY)
In case you wish to file a complaint under this, our recommendation would to be get in touch with a disability lawyer first. The disability lawyer will be able to better guide you throughout the entire process as well as help you understand the legitimacy of your claim.
- Civil Rights of Institutionalised Persons Act
The Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act (CRIPA) authorizes the U.S. Attorney General to investigate conditions of confinement at State and local government institutions such as prisons, jails, pretrial detention centers, juvenile correctional facilities, publicly operated nursing homes, and institutions for people with psychiatric or developmental disabilities.
The Attorney General may initiate civil lawsuits where there is reasonable cause to believe that conditions are “egregious or flagrant,” that they are subjecting residents to “grievous harm,” and that they are part of a “pattern or practice” of resistance to residents’ full enjoyment of constitutional or federal rights, including title II of the ADA and section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.
For more information or to bring a matter to the Department of Justice’s attention, contact:
U.S. Department of Justice
Civil Rights Division
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Special Litigation Section
Washington, D.C. 20530
(877) 218-5228 (voice/TTY)
In case you wish to file a complaint under this, our recommendation would to be get in touch with a disability lawyer first. The disability lawyer will be able to better guide you throughout the entire process as well as help you understand the legitimacy of your claim.
- Rehabilitation Act
The Rehabilitation Act prohibits discrimination based on disability in programs conducted by Federal agencies, in programs receiving Federal financial assistance, in Federal employment, and in the employment practices of Federal contractors. The standards for determining employment discrimination under the Rehabilitation Act are the same as those used in title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
- Section 501
Section 501 requires affirmative action and nondiscrimination in employment by Federal agencies of the executive branch. To obtain more information or to file a complaint, employees should contact their agency’s Equal Employment Opportunity Office.
- Section 503
Section 503 requires affirmative action and prohibits employment discrimination by Federal government contractors and subcontractors with contracts of more than $10,000. For more information on section 503, contact:
Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs
U.S. Department of Labor
200 Constitution Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20210
- Section 508
Section 508 establishes requirements for electronic and information technology developed, maintained, procured, or used by the Federal government. Section 508 requires Federal electronic and information technology to be accessible to people with disabilities, including employees and members of the public.
For more information on section 508, contact:
U.S. General Services Administration
Office of Enterprise Planning and Governance
CIO 508 Coordinator
1800 F Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20405-0001
U.S. Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board
1331 F Street, N.W., Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20004-1111
800-872-2253 (voice)
800-993-2822 (TTY)
In case you wish to file a complaint under this, our recommendation would to be get in touch with a disability lawyer first. The disability lawyer will be able to better guide you throughout the entire process as well as help you understand the legitimacy of your claim.
- Architectural Barriers Act
The Architectural Barriers Act (ABA) requires that buildings and facilities that are designed, constructed, or altered with Federal funds, or leased by a Federal agency, comply with Federal standards for physical accessibility. For more information or to file a complaint, contact:
U.S. Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board
1331 F Street, N.W., Suite 1000
Washington, D.C. 20004-1111
(800) 872-2253 (voice)
(800) 993-2822 (TTY)
In case you wish to file a complaint under this, our recommendation would to be get in touch with a disability lawyer first. The disability lawyer will be able to better guide you throughout the entire process as well as help you understand the legitimacy of your claim.
- Individuals with Disabilities Act
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) (formerly called P.L. 94-142 or the Education for all Handicapped Children Act of 1975) requires public schools to make available to all eligible children with disabilities a free appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment appropriate to their individual needs.
If parents disagree with the proposed IEP, they can request a due process hearing and a review from the State educational agency if applicable in that state. They also can appeal the State agency’s decision to the State or Federal court. For more information, contact:
Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20202-7100
(202) 245-7459 (voice/TTY)
In case you wish to file a complaint under this, our recommendation would to be get in touch with a disability lawyer first. The disability lawyer will be able to better guide you throughout the entire process as well as help you understand the legitimacy of your claim.
Social security disability attorney & advocacy services
So with this, we come to an end for what all entails regarding the disability laws governing the country. And in case you feel like your rights are being violated, then do not hesitate in going online search for a “disability attorney near me”. A disability lawyer will not only ensure that you get what you are due but also make sure that the same doesn’t happen with anyone else.
Speaking of, social security disability attorney & advocacy services one thing to note is that whenever you type in a generic term like –
- Disability attorney near me
- Social security lawyers near me
- Social security attorney near me
- SSI lawyers near me
- SSI attorney near me
You are not guaranteed the best social security disability attorney & advocacy services. No matter how many times you search for a “social security lawyers near me”, unless and until you do your research properly, you will not be able to find a disability lawyer best suited for your needs.
Social security attorney near me
In fact, instead of searching for a “Disability attorney near me” or “Social security lawyers near me” or “Social security attorney near me” or “SSI lawyers near me” or “SSI attorney near me”, you would be better served if you search for a disability lawyer based on your needs.
If you can find a disability lawyer who doesn’t show up when you look up “Social security lawyers near me” or “Social security attorney near me” but he or she suits your needs, then you are the ultimate winner. A few extra miles will not matter that much in the grander scheme of things as long as you can find the perfect disability lawyer for yourself.
Apart from that, also make sure to have it in print how much the disability lawyer is going to charge you. This is so because a lot of the time cases can drag. And while that is not something that you want to hear, things can get a lot worse. The disability lawyer you ended up going for because he or she came upon your “Social security lawyers near me” or “Social security attorney near me” search might end up charging a retainer.
So, always make it a point to have it in print whatever the disability lawyer is going to charge you. Although as per law, they can’t charge you more than 33% of whatever benefits the disability lawyer ends up winning for you. Still, that hasn’t dissuaded them from trying to make an extra buck whenever they can.
SSI lawyers near me
This is so because when you search for a “Disability attorney near me” or “Social security lawyers near me” or “Social security attorney near me” or “SSI lawyers near me” or “SSI attorney near me”, you get disability lawyers based on geographical location. And while that does play an important role in deciding which disability lawyer you end up going for, it shouldn’t be the only factor at play.
But with this, we believe we have given you quite an exhaustive overview of a lot of things concerning disability lawyers. From finding out how much does a disability lawyer cost to things that you should be aware of when you go searching for a social security attorney near me. Apart from that, we have also given you an overview of the disability laws governing the country.
Moreover, not only have we listed the disability laws, but we have also listed out ways through which you can communicate with the authorities in case you feel your rights are being trampled upon. Just do remember to get in touch with a disability lawyer before you decide to go down that road.
SSI attorney near me
Apart from filing complaints, disability lawyers will also help you in filing applications for disability cheque and social security. Plus, if you are an army veteran currently living in Virginia, then we have also listed out an in-depth list of dos and don’ts for you.
But the most important thing that you can do for yourself in any case, irrespective of whichever state you are in, is getting yourself a disability lawyer. We cannot stress the importance of this enough. Just take it from us, in a courtroom, your disability lawyer will be your best friend. And in case you do not believe us, just look at the statistics.
So, with all of this said and done, we hope that you understand the importance of having a disability lawyer. And in case you are someone who is looking to apply for benefits, then hiring a disability lawyer will greatly improve your chances. Plus, you won’t have to pay them for the most part until you win your case. A win-win situation if you ask us.
But with all of this being said, we believe we have given you enough information regarding disability lawyers. In case you have any more queries regarding this or something else related to them, then feel free to ask them down below! And don’t forget to check our other blogs for more of such interesting topics. After all, we are your one-stop solution!
Contact us today at Online lawyer! Our disability discrimination lawyer will help you!